The Benevolent Heart Dojo is a fully licensed school under grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi. We have classes in NYC: Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens as well as in Honolulu Hawaii. Our members study a system of martial arts called Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

The Bujinkan system has deep roots in Japan's Feudal past. Incorporated into this system are nine ancient martial traditions, which have been passed down from generation to generation for close to 1000 years.

The emphasis of these traditions is spiritual and physical preservation. Moreover the essence of these traditions are explained from a historical perspective and are applied in a modern context. Thus extremely diverse sets of self-protection skills are covered in this art.

Three of the more renowned traditions are:

Togakure-ryū Ryu Ninpō Taijutsu - Hidden Door "Ryu"
KukiShinden-ryū Happō Bikenjutsu; - Nine Demons "Ryu"
Takagi Yōshin-ryū Jūtaijutsu - High Tree, Raised Heart "Ryu"

For questions regarding: The Bujinkan Arts, Ninjutsu, Masaaki Hatsumi, and the Benevolent Heart Dojo, please refer to our FAQ page.